DITA-OT transformations
The DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) ships with several core transformations. Each core
transformation represents an implementation of all processing that is defined by OASIS
in the
DITA specification.
In this section:
- DITA to DocbookThe docbook transformation converts DITA maps and topics into a Docbook output file. Complex DITA markup might not be supported, but the transformation supports most common DITA structures.
- DITA to Eclipse ContentThe eclipsecontent transformation generates normalized DITA files and Eclipse control files. It originally was designed for an Eclipse plug-in that dynamically rendered DITA content, but the output from the transformation can be used by other applications that work with DITA.
- DITA to Eclipse helpThe eclipsehelp transformation generates XHTML output, CSS files, and the control files that are needed for Eclipse help.
- DITA to HTML Help (CHM)The htmlhelp transformation generates HTML output, CSS files, and the control files that are needed to produce a Microsoft HTML Help file.
- DITA to legacy PDF transformationThe legacypdf transformation produces a PDF using the demo PDF build. This transformation is deprecated.
- DITA to Open Document TypeThe odt transformation produces output files that use the Open Document format, which is used by tools such as Open Office.
- DITA to PDF (PDF2)The pdf (or pdf2) transformation generates PDF output.
- DITA to Rich Text Format The wordrtf transformation produces an RTF file for use by Microsoft Word.
- DITA to TocJSThe tocjs transformation generates XHTML output, a frameset, and a JavaScript-based table of contents with expandable and collapsible entries. The transformation was originally created by Shawn McKenzie as a plug-in and was added to the default distribution in DITA OT, release 1.5.4.
- DITA to TroffThe troff transformation produces output for use with the Troff viewer on Unix-style platforms, particularly for programs such as the Man page viewer.
- DITA to XHTMLThe xhtml transformation generates XHTML output and a table of contents (TOC) file. This was the first transformation created for the DITA Open Toolkit, and it is the basis for all the HTML-based transformations.
Parent topic: Publishing DITA content