The <properties> element gives a list of properties for the
subject of the current topic, for example whether a class is public or protected.
Each property can
include the type, value, and a description. The typical rendering is usually in a
table-like format.
To represent multiple values for a single type, create additional property elements
use only the <propvalue> element (and <propdesc> when
needed) for each successive value.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- topic/simpletable reference/properties
<properties> <prophead> <proptypehd>Visual Element</proptypehd> <propvaluehd>Value</propvaluehd> <propdeschd>Implication</propdeschd> </prophead> <property> <proptype>color</proptype> <propvalue>red</propvalue> <propdesc>depicts anger</propdesc> </property> <property> <propvalue>green</propvalue> <propdesc>depicts permission</propdesc> </property> </properties>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, Display attribute group, Simpletable attribute group, @outputclass, and @spectitle.