Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- map/topicmeta bookmap/bookmeta
In this example:
- The <authorinformation> contains the content for a reader's comment form; the <maintainer> element references that author information to create the reader comment form.
- The <prodinfo> element contains the book's product information. This includes the product name, and the version, release, and modification information.
- The <bookid> element contains the book's form number and part number information. The <maintainer> element contains information about the current maintainer of the book; it might reference the <authorinformation> element to provide detailed information about an author that is also the current maintainer.
- The <bookrights> element contains the book's copyright information.
This example makes heavy use of <authorinformation>, which is a domain element that OASIS delivers only with the <bookmap> specialization. However, other DTD, XSD Schema, or RELAX NG implementations of <bookmap> may not include the domain with <authorinformation>; likewise, <authorinformation> may be included in other document types.
<bookmeta> <authorinformation id="rcf"> <organizationinfo> <namedetails> <organizationnamedetails> <organizationname>IBM</organizationname> </organizationnamedetails> </namedetails> <addressdetails>ATTN: Dept XYZ<thoroughfare>3905 37th Street NW</thoroughfare> <locality>Rochester, MN<postalcode>55901</postalcode></locality> <country>USA</country> </addressdetails> <contactnumbers> <contactnumber type="telephone">800-555-1212</contactnumber> <contactnumber type="fax">800-555-1213</contactnumber> </contactnumbers> <emailaddresses><emailaddress>fred@example.com</emailaddress></emailaddresses> <urls><url>http://www.example.com/fred</url></urls> </organizationinfo> </authorinformation> <prodinfo> <prodname>My Product</prodname> <vrmlist><vrm release="Release 1" version="Version 3"/></vrmlist> </prodinfo> <bookid> <bookpartno>99F9999</bookpartno> <booknumber>SC00-0000-00</booknumber> <maintainer href="#rcf"></maintainer> </bookid> <bookrights> <copyrfirst><year>1996</year></copyrfirst> <copyrlast><year>2006</year></copyrlast> <bookowner><organization>OASIS</organization></bookowner> </bookrights> </bookmeta>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group and the attribute defined below.
- @lockmeta
By default, metadata in the map supplements or overrides metadata that is specified at the topic level, unless the @lockmeta attribute of the <topicmeta> element is set to "no". Allowable values are "yes", "no", and Using the -dita-use-conref-target value.